Configuration, new V7 functions
to any setting - but preferably to a multiple of the high-speed sensors.
Time-stamp resolution will depend on the scan cycle selected.
3. The autonomous D7 sensors can now handle a measured value volume up
to 8 digits plus arithmetic sign. They can also handle text, time-of-day, and
coordinates. Output to an interface or to memory is now only supported
therefore in the form of an ASCII string and in table format.
There is thus no longer a choice between various output formats.
4. Each D7 sensor normally has its own digital measuring quantity and range
but this can be selected via the V7 measuring instrument. The quantity ab-
breviation has been extended to six characters. Functions for controlling
the measuring sequence or for measured value compensation are perfor-
med in the sensor itself and the sensor itself, similarly, provides a menu for
configuring any necessary individual parameters.
5. With D7 sensors the units and comments text have been adapted to meet
rising demands; they have been extended, units to 6 and comments text to
20 characters.
6. With V6 devices the smoothing of unstable measured values by taking a
sliding average could be performed on the selected measuring channel
only. Most D7 sensors provide this function for up to four primary chan-
nels. This can be set, similarly, via the afore-mentioned sensor menu. (see
D7 sensor instructions).
Measured data acquisition can be performed in basically two ways.
1. Perform measuring operation online; data is transferred to the PC immedia-
tely (no device-internal memory is required).
2. Perform measuring operation offline; data is first saved to the device’s inter-
nal memory or to an external memory connector with a micro SD card and
then transferred to the PC later.
10.1 Online measurement with PC
For conveniently recording measured data directly on the PC our WinControl
measured value acquisition software is ideally suited. This software is unique
in that it can scan one stand-alone or several internetworked measuring modu-
les each at its own measuring cycle, then save the measured data on the PC,
and output it online in a clearly understandable form as a line diagram, table, or
list of individual measured values; thus for process control purposes you need
simply program each measuring cycle in WinControl. There are numerous
other possibilities using formula channels, control and regulation functions,
alarm reports via SMS and e-mail, etc. but it would be going too far to describe
all these here in detail.