13. Trouble-shooting
Check to ensure that all devices are set to different addresses.
Address all devices individually via the terminal using command
Addressed device is OK if at least ´
y CR
´ is returned as echo.
If transmission is still not possible, unplug the networked devices.
Check all devices individually on the data cable to the computer; (see
above). Check the wiring for short-circuit or crossed wires.
Are all network distributors supplied with power ? Network the devices
again one at a time and check successively; (see above).
If, after performing the above-listed checks and remedial steps, the device still
fails to behave as described in the operating instructions, it must be returned to
our factory in Holzkirchen (see 14.4), accompanied by an explanatory note, er-
ror description, and if available test printouts. With the ALMEMO
Control soft-
ware you can print out screen-shots with the relevant programming and save
and / or print out a comprehensive ´Function test´ in the device list or terminal