The COMBIPLOW 31+ produced by AGRISEM INTERNATIONAL must only be used for the work they
are destined for.
Stubble-breaking of arable soil in standard conditions
In the case of damage due to use of the machine for work outside the constructor’s specifications, the
constructor can not be held responsible.
Particularly, you cannot root out or clear or stones with the COMBIPLOW 31+.
The correct use of the machine also implies:
The respect of regulations of use, maintenance and upkeep as stated by the constructor,
Exclusive use of replacement parts, accessories and original equipment appointed by the
The COMBIPLOW 31+.must only be used, maintained and repaired by people competent to do so,
familiar with the characteristics and the way to use the machine. The above said people should be
aware of the possible risks to which they are exposed.
The user must strictly comply with all regulations regarding:
Safety at work (labour laws).
Driving on the road (Highway Code).
He has the obligation to observe all warnings placed on the machine. All modifications made by the
user or any other person without the written agreement of the constructor disengages all responsibility
of the constructor should damage result.