N9320B Spectrum Analyzer
Getting Started
Safety Notice
Read the following warnings and cautions carefully before
powering on the spectrum analyzer to ensure personal and
instrument safety
Always use a well-grounded, three-pin AC power cord to connect to
power source. Personal injury may occur if there is any interruption of
the AC power cord. Intentional interruption is prohibited. If this product
is to be energized via an external auto transformer for voltage
reduction, make sure that its common terminal is connected to a
neutral (earthed pole) of the power supply.
Personal injury may result if the spectrum analyzer covers are removed.
There are no operator-serviceable parts inside. To avoid electrical
shock, refer servicing to qualified personnel.
Electrical shock may result if the spectrum analyzer is connected to the
power supply while cleaning. Do not attempt to clean internally.
Prevent damage to the instrument and ensure protection of the input
mixer by limiting average continuous power input to +33 dBm, DC voltage
to 50 VDC with >10 dB input attenuation. Instrument damage may result
if these precautions are not followed.
To install the spectrum analyzer in other racks, note that they may
promote shock hazards, overheating, dusting contamination, and
inferior system performance. Consult your Agilent customer engineer
about installation, warranty, and support details.