HP 81130A/’31A Performance Test
5. RECORD the delta t reading. This is the fall time of the refer-
encesignal within a 1% amplitude window of the signal con-
nected to Input 2. This value is needed later to calculate the
correct jitter. (delta.t.dn)
6. Set the HP 81130A Pulse Width to 50 ns
7. Select the Timebase menu and center the first negative-going
edge of the signal (Delay approx. 80 ns)
9. Select the Window submenu and set:
Source is channel 2
Choose the Time Histogram
Press WINDOW MARKER 1 and set it to 500 mV
Press WINDOW MARKER 2 and set it to 490 mV
10. Select the Acquire submenu, set the Number of Samples to
1000 and press START ACQUIRING
11. After the data for the time histogram has been acquired (#
Samples = 100%), select the Result submenu.
12. Press MEAN and SIGMA. RECORD the value of sigma
13. The RMS-jitter is calculated as follows: