1. General information
Overview of the program
This program (a VBA macro for Microsoft Excel®) transfers the list sweep measurement data
from the E4980A to a PC.
Supported model and firmware
E4980A Precision LCR Meter
Rev. 2.20
Required equipment
• Personal computer
* Microsoft Excel® installed
* Agilent I/O Libraries Suite 16 or higher installed
• Connection cable (Use either one of the following cables)
1. USB cable (type mini-B for E4980A side and type A male for PC side, furnished as an
E4980A standard accessory)
2. Agilent 82357A or 82357B USB/GPIB Interface
2. Connection configuration through Agilent Connection Expert
1. Run Agilent Connection Expert by double-clicking the icon in the task tray
Double click
2. Connect the E4980A and the PC using either USB cable or USB/GPIB interface. Then the
connection will be automatically configured. After the connection is properly configured, the
appears on “Instrument I/O on this PC” pane of Agilent Connection Expert as
shown in the figure below.