RF Switch Command Reference 33
Chapter 3
The ROUTe subsystem automatically connects a specified channel to a
specified COMMon terminal on the module.
Subsystem Syntax
PATH[:COMMon] <comm>,<channel>
PATH[:COMMon]? <comm>,<channel>
closes the E1470A path
specified by <comm> and <channel>. <comm> is a 2-digit number and
<channel> is a 3-digit number. Leading zeros may be omitted.
Addressing Signal Paths.
A signal path connects a <channel> terminal to
a COM terminal (specified by <comm>. PATH <comm>,<channel> closes
a single path. For multiple paths, use multiple linked commands: PATH
<comm>,<channel>;:PATH <comm>,<channel>; etc.
Closing may Open Other Paths.
Closing one path may open another path if
both paths use the same relays. See Chapter 1 to determine if this might
happen. Use [ROUTe:]PATH? to determine if a path is closed.
Invalid Values.
Invalid <comm> and <channel> values or combinations
may cause one of the following errors:
2001, “Invalid channel number” for invalid <channel>
2023, “Invalid common bank number” for invalid <comm>.
2024, “Invalid source bank number” for invalid <channel>
2025, “Invalid common-source combination” for invalid combination
of <comm> and <channel> parameters.
*RST Condition.
Channel bb0 connects to COM bb for all 3-to-1
multiplexer banks. This is equivalent to PATH bb,bb0 (where bb is the
<comm> number).
Range of Values
, 10-13, 20-25, 30-33
000-002, 010-012, 020-022, 030-032, 040-042,
050-052, 100-102, 110-112, 120-122, 130-132,
200-202, 210-212, 220-222, 230-232, 240-242,
250-252, 300-302, 310-312, 320-322, 330-332
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