Digital Remote Controlled Table with dynamic flat panel detector
User’s Manual
With Digital system control console (refer to Digital System User Manual), select programmed
stitching protocol needed for spine or legs examination.
On the main console, in Table menu, the « stitching mode exit » icon appears.
No te : it is p o s s ib le to e xit fro m s titc h in g m o d e a n ytim e b y p re s s in g th is ke y
Then, press the “MOVE” button and hold it down until the table reaches its final position, the
message “position reached” is displayed as well as the number of exposures for exam.
Select the acquisition with 2, 3 or 4 exposures on the table console
Prepare the exposure using exclusively the controls on the main table console pressing the
first trigger (preparation) button and holding down this button until the tube-detector assembly
reaches its initial position
Note: the programme is always done from head to toe
Adjust the patient position (see corresponding chapter) using the movements of carriage, of
tabletop (lateral) and the video camera (and finalizing with fluoroscopy if really necessary).
It is possible to reduce the X-ray field laterally using the collimator shutters manual control
After modifying parameters if needed, make the exposure using exclusively the controls on the
main table console: press the first trigger (preparation) button and holding down this button,
press the second trigger (emission) button
After the first exposure, hold down preparation & emission buttons: following table positioning
and exposure(s) are done automatically.
After the last exposure, hold down preparation & emission buttons until the message “End of
Stitching” is displayed.
The acquired image appears few seconds later on Digital system control console.
Refer to corresponding User manuals for automatic stitching software and for image
post-processing, page-setting, sending, archiving …