AFG Pro 7.2AI Service Manual Download Page 1





















le Schweitz

e date    20












Edition ti






ce Ma






Doc No





Alex Tang




Summary of Contents for Pro 7.2AI

Page 1: ...NSO A Kyl ON Issue Rev da Approval le Schweitz e date 20 vision ate zer S 016 11 14 7 Servic Edition Edition ti Review 7 2AI ce Ma n 01 me 01 w anual Doc No Page o SM TM Editor Alex Tang 1 M AF 006 36...

Page 2: ...Pro oduct B Browse e 2 2...

Page 3: ...peed Does Not Display 17 3 3 3 Heart Rate Issues 18 3 3 4 Quick Key Issue 19 3 3 5 Noise 20 3 3 6 No Resistance or Incorrect Resistance 21 3 3 7 No Bluetooth Function 22 3 3 8 No Function or Noise on...

Page 4: ...4 Contents cont 4 9 ECB Motor Replacement 32 4 10 MCB Replacement 33 4 11 Flywheel replacement 34 4 13 Incline motor replacement 35 4 11 Console circuit board replacement 36...

Page 5: ...1 1 Serial l Number CH Location HAPTER 1 Serial Number Loca ation 5 5...

Page 6: ...ndicate wha KNOB rotate g start your w st incline in s o adjust resis reach desire d to reach de d off h speakers w MP3 player CK plug your ged into the power tablet or rea T display wh R 2 Con astic...

Page 7: burne wn as BPM both pulse g ws the curren w many minu Minute urrent user po CHAPTER nds View the dicates distan es how fast t vel of the po ed beats per mi grips nt level of res utes it takes t ow...

Page 8: ...2 2 Engin neering mo ode instruc CHAPTER ction R 2 Console Instru uction 8 8...

Page 9: ...CHAPTER R 2 Console Instru uction 9 9...

Page 10: ...3 1 ELEC 7 2AI SCH CTRICAL D HEMATIC DIAGRAM MCB EC CHAPTER CB R 3 Troubleshooting 10 0...

Page 11: ...Console c connection n layout CHAPTER R 3 Troubleshooting 11...

Page 12: ...Assembly c 3 2 1 Boa 1 ECB JP01 C JP02 S JP03 N connection ard Connec Console conn Speed senor NC layout ctor instruc nection r connection CHAPTER ction R 3 Troubleshooting Fig 1 12 2...

Page 13: ...nication munication pro put board d nector Action Cond er seconds reg M from speed k there is no co with console tocal Fig 2 Table L L L dition gularly The C sensor ount signal fee or not obey the 1 L...

Page 14: ...8 JP9 JP10 e control boa To Fro NC Fro Fro To To To To To ard LCD display om heart rate om Quick key om Quick key MCB Audio In O Speaker FAN Keypad Blu e grip y Left hand b y right hand b ut interface...

Page 15: a low battery status c The HR strap is damaged d The HR grips are damaged e The HR cannot display value 3 3 3 4 QUICK KEY ISSUES a No contact between keypad and overlay b Keypad malfunctions c No c...

Page 16: ...Support 3 Check if the power cord is not pinched or damaged and is properly plugged into the outlet and the machine 4 Remove the console and check if the console cable has good connection Test console...

Page 17: ...see if the sensor wire JP02 is connected well and not damaged page 12 Fig 1 3 Check to see if one corner of the sensor is aligned with the magnet and the distance less than 5mm 4 Test speed sensor wi...

Page 18: ...n reestablish contact with the HR grip d With a multi meter set for DC voltage place one terminal on each of the HR grip plates The HR grip should give a voltage reading of between 0 5 and 2 0VDC If t...

Page 19: ...ON a Remove the back of console and see if the keypad connecting ribbon cable is connected properly to the console control board Reconnect the cable and test the keypad for function Page14 JP4 JP5 b I...

Page 20: ...the conso hat the front hat the peda hat the bars he bolt torqu CHAPTER NOISE ISS ole mast is ti stabilizer an al arms are tig are tight e is not too t R 3 Trou SUES ightly attache nd rear stabil ght...

Page 21: ...rou STANCE O ue If no refe CB motor At he head of c pe to the corr 1 e resistance but the cons sure the con CB Page12 the MCB ca VDC the ECB esistance ca block and the will be heavie bleshootin OR INC...

Page 22: ...No Bluet h function is AKERS XXX see if the Bl d Reconnec e issues rep pairing to dev w up when a ne Replace e but cannot he machine s the machine Fig R 3 Trou tooth Func turn on If N XX and parin ue...

Page 23: ...sectio LED2 LED3 ED2 If not ot work che motor eaded rod gr 1 s Loose or on incline t the same tim s push to se own to see if n 4 4 3 Page 13 F the MCB is ck LED1 pa rease may be r over tighten e moto...

Page 24: ...console to PLACEME ole cable and nnections to t res into the c the mast by CHAPTE NT d HR connec the new cons console and y using the 4 ER 4 Pa ctions from th sole mast until th screws rt Replace he...

Page 25: ...ND QUIC ATES s from heart sing from the me es and insta he new HR g sing to the h CEMENT s from HR pl sing from the me from front pla he new HR g he plastic hou APTER 4 K KEY RE rate plastic h etal pl...

Page 26: ...H 1 Remove 2 Remove 3 Fasten HOLDER R e the 4 screw e the bad cu the 4 screws CHA REPLACE ws from both p holder and s APTER4 EMENT sides Fig 1 d install new Fig 1 Part Rep 1 cup holder placement G Gui...

Page 27: ...c COVER R ve the handl ve the link a ve the crank the screws ce new side Fig CHAPTER REPLACEM lebar secton rm section 4 k section 4 8 in side cover cover and fa 1 R 4 Part MENT n4 6 4 7 r asten screws...

Page 28: ...t e console cab new console Fig CHA ST REPLA e and discon of the consol to remove th ble up throug mast with 4 2 APTER 4 ACEMENT nnect the con e mast Fig e mast care gh the new m bolts Fig 3 Part Rep...

Page 29: ...oosen 2 Take the 3 Replace DLEBAR R the bolts an e arm set off e the new ha CHA REPLACEM nd take off the f andlebar Fig APTER 4 MENT e washers th g 1 Part Rep hen move to placement o next step Guide F...

Page 30: ...the bolts an all new link ar Fig 1 CHA PLACEMEN section 4 6 nd washers to rm and tightn 1 APTER 4 NT o remove the ness bolts wi Part Rep e link arm fro ith 250kgf cm placement om the handl m torque F...

Page 31: ...LA ve the handl ve the link a ve line crank ve the old cr ce new cran n bolts with 8 w steps 1 3 in Fig 1 Fig CHA ACEMENT lebar section rm section 4 k screws rank k Fig 1 800kgF cm to n reverse ord 1...

Page 32: ...r section4 m section 4 ion4 8 over section 4 g a defective nd test by run ws and conne t resistance t e at the high proper moun er The res APTER 4 t 4 6 7 4 4 ECB motor nning resista ection related to...

Page 33: ...crew ce new MCB rse steps 1 n AC Power circuit board d wearing an CHA ment lebar section rm section 4 k section 4 8 cover section ws and conn B reconnec 4 line d could beco ESD wrist s APTER 4 n4 6 4...

Page 34: ...ion 4 8 cover sectio eel and drive wheel drive with equipm ve belt is 185 belt allowan gF cm Fig 6 APTER 4 t replacem n4 6 4 7 8 n 4 4 e belt by loos e belt Fig 1 ment The ten 5Hz 195Hz ce does not 6...

Page 35: ...n bolt 500k ed step 1 7 on power and Fig 1 4 CHA OR Repla ole mast with ebar section Arm section4 k section 4 8 cover sectio on handle ar on incline mo e motor with kgf cm on Fig d reset the in APTER...

Page 36: the to remove th Console cont o the circuit b h EP705 fram d could beco aring an ESD APTER 4 OARD REP ESD wrist st console ma he back cons trol circuit bo board me and test t ome damage D wrist str...
