Moving the Tower
To move the tower to a new position, first prepare the tower.
Check that the wind speed does not exceed 17 mph.
Ensure the tower is empty (material and personnel).
Check the overhead obstructions including electrical cables.
Raise the stabilizer feet (only enough to clear obstructions, maximum 25mm).
Taking care to ensure tower stability is maintained, release the castor brakes.
Once positioned, prepare the tower for use.
Check that the tower is vertical.
Reapply the castor brakes.
Check and adjust as necessary to ensure all castors and stabilizers are in firm contact with
the ground.
Carefully move the tower by manually applying force at the base. Do Not Use mechanical
means to move the tower.
Comply To
Certified and independently tested for use.
Compliant to 3T Assembly process.
Safe working load on the platform is 250kgs/Sq Mtr, evenly distributed.
Maximum permissible distributed load on the tower 750 Kgs.
Type Approval
The scaffold towers referred to herein have been tested by