AEV Xtreme II Digital Audio Processor
AEV Broadcast Srl – via della Tecnica 33 – 40050 Argelato (BO) Italy
Web site www.aev.eu e-mail [email protected]
The display may be difficult to understand at power-up, therefore, set the contrast level (see the appropriate
Sec. 3 Input/Output connections
When connecting inputs/outputs, you are recommended to use a good quality, well shielded, soft cable. 0
Sec. 3-4 Remote control
Xtreme II can be remotely controlled via an RS-232 standard serial port – this enables you to control it via both
PC and modem.
A 15-pole connector is also available on the Xtreme II’s rear side to send on air 8 different presets simply by
means of a command of an external switch. For connection details, see section “Connections” at the end of the
manual Preset assignments occur by means of “TLC” menu.
Sec. 4 Xtreme start-up
To align Xtreme II with your system as the first operation, we advise you to recall one of the configurations preset
inside Xtreme II.
Starting from the initial menu “Home”, press Jog and enter the menu “Process”.