AEV Xtreme II Digital Audio Processor
AEV Broadcast Srl – via della Tecnica 33 – 40050 Argelato (BO) Italy
Web site www.aev.eu e-mail [email protected]
The sound is more or less amplified to reach a 75KHz maximum deviation
0.0 (the original process sound)
5.0 (an exasperated sound at the limit of the first distortion)
We recommend from 0.0 to 1.0 max
Sec. 5-17 Downward Expander
The noise (ground noise) reducer to be activated if using many tape supports or if the sources going on the air
carry ground noise (links, telephones, etc.).
When this control is activated, and providing there is no sound on one or more bands, the processor’s 5 bands
“close“ the ground noise by compressing it.
When sound returns, ground noise compression is immediately de-activated, with the bargraphs indicating the
actual classic compression.
OFF Disabled -7.0 Good noise filtering at normal level, excellent for all transmi8.0 Considerable filtering
due to substantial ground noise
We recommend -7.0 or OFF
Sec. 6 System Update
To update your Xtreme II, you need the following material:
1- Pc with a free serial port
2- Software to load the new updatings for Xtreme II
3- Updating files (updating file + file with Updating instructions).
If the above material is available, you can go on, otherwise you can contact the customer service.
Connect the serial cable between Xtreme II and PC.
By means of the RS 232 menu select the option XTREME.
At the end of these presets, you can arrange your Xtreme for the updating
From now on, follow carefully the instructions given by the updating program installed on your PC.
The non-compliance with these instructions may cause Xtreme to block. The block can be removed only at the
AEV customer service. If you access the Update software option by mistake, by switching the machine off and
on, no change is carried out.
Sec. 7 Connection
Sec. 7-1 Connection PC - RS232