If a problem should occur, the treadmill can be stopped quickly by pulling on the magnetic safety cord to dislodge the key from the control
panel. The treadmill will stop a bit more abruptly, but still gently enough to prevent you from being injured.
This is an emergency
procedure only and should not be used as the normal stopping procedure.
Pulse Monitoring System
Our exclusive HEARTSMART
PULSE MONITORING SYSTEM was developed to fine tune your workout for maximum efficiency within
safe ranges. The rate at which your heart should be beating to get the optimum conditioning effect is called your training heart rate zone. It
has been determined that exercising under 55% of your theoretical maximum heart rate (the highest number of times your heart can contract
in one minute) does not maintain a sufficiently high heart rate to produce results. Conversely, when you train above 85% of your theoretical
maximum, you are in the anaerobic zone, or the point when you are producing more lactate than you are able to synthesize. This zone is
primarily for those who are extremely fit and are interested in high performance training. The HEARTSMART
SYSTEM simplifies your training program by providing biofeedback information, giving it a more defined framework within which to build
exercise routines.
Heart Rate Zone Bar
In any program, when wearing the chest strap, the HEART RATE ZONE bar will appear at the top of the GRAPHIC Display Window. A
blinking indicator will indicate the zone in which you are currently training. This TRAINING ZONE bar indicates if you are training in the low,
mid or high end of either the weight management or the cardiovascular conditioning zone. This visual provides you with the means to train
more effectively so you will achieve the desired results.
The ProSelect and the ProElite
use the age-adjusted formula to calculate your training zone. Your theoretical maximum heart rate is
determined by subtracting your age from 220, which is the closest approximation of the average person’s heart rate. For example, if you are
35 years old, your theoretical maximum heart rate would 185 beats per minute (or bpm). When your heart rate is between 102 to 128 bpm,
you are training in the weight management zone. When your heart rate is between 130 to 157 bpm, you are training in the aerobic zone for
cardiovascular conditioning. The safest and most recommended method for determining you maximum heart rate is to have your physician
administer a stress test.
On-Target Indicator
When exercising in a Heart Rate Control program, a
appears under the heart in the GRAPHIC display window. This
is the
ON-TARGET INDICATOR. It will slide to the left or the right of the heart, advising that you are “off target”. When the
is to the left of the
heart, your heart rate is lower than your target; to the right of the heart indicates your heart rate has exceeded your target. When the
directly under the heart, you are right on target.
Performance Review
At the end of any program, when wearing the heart rate chest strap, columns of indicator lights will appear in the GRAPHIC display window.
These columns represent the percentage of the total workout time spent exercising in a particular heart rate training zone. At a glance, you
can gauge the efficiency of the workout. If your goal was to increase cardiovascular strength, but the majority of the indicator lights are
illuminated in the column under the weight management zone, you can easily see that you need to increase the intensity of your program to
achieve your goal.
In order to get a Performance Review in workout modes, other than heart rate control programs, you must:
Wear the wireless chest strap.
Prior to starting the workout press the HEART RATE button to activate the HeartSmart
Pulse Monitoring System. The heart
rate must be acquired and will be displayed in the DATA window.
Exercise Preview
You can see exactly what you will accomplish prior to beginning a Manual, Preset Workout or previously recorded Custom program. An
EXERCISE PREVIEW predicts the total distance, caloric expenditure and Aerobic Points to be earned based on the time, incline and speed
you choose. After you have selected a Preset Workout, a previously-recorded Custom program or have set the speed, time and incline
parameters for a Manual program, press the CALORIES button to see the total calories you will burn or the AEROBIC POINTS button for the
number of points you will earn.