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Aereco S.A.
Any duct that is outdoors or in an unheated volume must be insulated with 50 mm of
glass wool or equivalent. In countries where the temperature can go under -10°C, the
recommendation of insulation is at least 100 mm of glass wool.
Mounting of ducts:
·The ductwork must be airtight (see recommendations for an airtight ductwork in page 28).
·Take care not to use a material that is too fragile or too flexible.
·The inner surfaces of all ducts must be as smooth as possible.
·Avoid having too many bends (make them gradual, with a large curvature).
·It is recommended to use flexible (about 50 cm) to connect the compensation valve to the supply
units, to limitate risks of noise in the main rooms, in that case:
Avoid slopes (flexible ducts must be securely attached).
Tauten the straight parts so that the duct is smooth and straight (when using flexible or
semi flexible ducts).
If the flexible duct is longer than necessary, it must be cut rather than pushing the surplus
into the false ceiling.
Do not crush the duct or squeeze it down to force it through a narrow passage.
·The interior of the ductwork must be protected during the entire duration of the work (from dust,
pollutants, etc.), using caps, plastic bags, or tape.
The installation of supply and exhaust units, and fresh air inlet and exhaust air outlet
must be carried out in order to obtain a system that performs well in terms of both
aeraulics and thermal and acoustic comfort (see recommendations for the installation
of the units in page 28).
The installation must comply with the fire protection standards in force in the country concerned.