When the north direction is set up for the wind direction sensor, you can mounting it as under point “Principle of
installation”. Remove any adhesive tape.
If you cannot select a northern reference point owing to local conditions, you can proceed analogously using a
reference point in the south. In this case, however, you have to make sure the north mark on the sensor does not point
to the reference point but in the opposite direction.
Electrical connections
PROFESSIONAL sensors are connected to a data measuring system via the open cable end (see example “Cable
run”). The connecting cable is suitably led along the mast between the data evaluation device (indicating instrument
or data acquisition system) and the sensor. The cable must be fastened using appropriate cable ties (their length
depends on the mast diameter).
Route the cable from the pole to the base of the sensor housing via a generously sized bend to allow for easy
disassembly as well as a water trap.
Please make sure the cable is protected from humidity on the side of the data processing system. Generally,
Pg sockets that use a rubber joint to prevent humidity from penetrating into the terminal box of the data
processing system provide sufficient protection.
Example: Cable run through an EMC-compliant Pg socket
Alternatively the lead can be laid also completely in the pipes of a mast, if the mast is accordingly prepared.
To reduce the risk of inductive interference the sensor must be properly grounded (screening on both
The sensor has an electronically controlled 18 watt heater in the sensor head. The heater is supplied together with the
sensor electronics. (Separate supply of the sensor electronics and the heater with a permanently connected cable is
possible on request).
Under most climatological conditions the heating prevents blocking of the moving
sensor parts (see illustration). The cup rotor or the wind vane are not heated. In case of
icing or formation of ice at the moving sensor element the function is restricted for the
period of icing.