Read this UseR ManUal befoRe yoU staRt
Congratulations for purchasing your Protect PV 4600 grid-connected
PV-Inverter from AEG Power Solutions GmbH (referred to in this
manual as “PV-Inverter”, or simply the “device”). This PV-Inverter is a
highly reliable product due to its innovative design and perfect quality
control. The device is dedicated to high-demand, grid-linked PV systems.
This manual contains important information regarding installation and
safe operation of this unit. Be sure to read this manual carefully before
using your PV-Inverter.
If you encounter any difficulties during installation or operation, please
refer to this manual before contacting your local dealer or representa-
tive. To obtain the latest manual and product information, please con-
tact the inverter’s manufacturer.
Thank you for choosing our product. Please keep this manual on hand
for quick reference. Start enjoying Protect PV 4600 and your life!