2. fault
The PV-Inverter’s intelligent controller continuously monitors the system
status. Unexpected conditions such as grid problems or internal failures
are displayed on the LCD and the “Fault LED” turns on.
3. shutdown
At the moment of reduced sunlight, the PV-Inverter automatically shuts
down. No power is used from the grid, the LCD display and LEDs on
the front panel do not work, and the function button is inactive.
4. three operating states: standby, Waiting, normal
During normal operation, the PV-Inverter enters a ‘standby’ state at
voltages below 100V. Between 100V and 150V the device enters the
‘waiting’ state and begins checking its own internal status. The ‘Normal’
state is entered, if the voltage is above 150V. The following example
shows the LCD, if the PV-Panel input increases above 100 V:
Faults are indicated by the red
When PV-Panel provides a voltage
above 100 V, the device enters the
‘Waiting’ state.
If PV-Panel provides a voltage higher
than 150 V, the PV-Inverter counts
down from 20 to 0 whereas checking
the internal status before entering the
‘Normal’ state.
the lCd first displays the model name