Dough Proving
You can use this automatic function with
any recipe for yeast dough you like. It
gives you a good atmosphere for rising.
Put the dough into a dish that is big
enough for rising. It is not necessary to
cover it. Insert a wire shelf on the first
shelf position and put the dish in. Close
the door and set the function: Dough
Proving. Set the necessary time.
Remove the food packaging and put the
food on a plate. Do not cover the food
with a bowl or a plate, as this can extend
the defrost time. Use the first shelf
position from the bottom.
SousVide Cooking
This function uses lower cooking
temperatures than normal cooking.
Handle the food with special care for
better food quality.
Recommendations regarding food
• Use high quality raw materials.
• Always use the raw material that is as
fresh as possible.
• Always keep raw materials in correct
conditions before you cook them.
• Always clean the food before you
cook it.
• For good and safe results, always look
at the values in the cooking tables.
Check the cooking time, temperature
and dimension of the food.
• Food should not be kept at a
temperature below 60 °C for a longer
time to avoid safety problems.
• Use low temperatures only for food
that could be eaten raw and only for a
short time.
• Sous-vide dishes have the best taste
immediately after cooking. If you do
not eat the food immediately after the
cooking, quickly decrease its
temperature. To do that, put the food
in an ice bath and put it in the fridge.
You can keep the food in the fridge
for 2 – 3 days.
• Do not use Sous-vide cooking
function for reheating food leftovers.
• Prevent contact between raw food
and cooked food while you prepare
and cook the food.
• Do not use the same tools for
different things without washing them
• For recipes with raw eggs, prevent
egg whites or yolks from contact with
the external part of the egg shells.
Hints and tips regarding food vacuum
• Necessary equipment for Sous-vide
cooking function are a vacuum sealer
and vacuum bags.
• Recommended vacuum sealer type:
chamber vacuum sealer. Only this
type of vacuum sealer can vacuum
pack liquids.
• Use vacuum bags correct for Sous-
vide cooking function.
• Do not reuse vacuum bags.
• Put the food in one layer of the
vacuum bags to get an even cooking
• For faster and more even cooking of
the food, set the vacuum degree to
the highest possible.
• To guarantee a safe closing of the
vacuum bag, make sure that the area
subject to the seal is clean.
General hints and tips for the function
SousVide Cooking:
• To keep the cooking steam, always
keep the appliance door closed when
you use Sous-vide cooking function.
• Open the door carefully after cooking
because there is steam cumulated in
the appliance.
• You can add oil and spices to the
food in accordance to your taste. Oil
prevents the food from sticking to the
vacuum bag.
• Season the food moderately in the
beginning as there are no evaporative
losses of flavour volatiles.
• To evaporate alcohol from liquids,
heat up and boil the liquids before
vacuum packing.
• You can replace the raw garlic by the
garlic powder.
• You can be replace olive oil by a
neutral kind of oil.
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