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Guarantee 24 Months
The receipt of purchase with date of purchase is the certificate for the guarantee.
Please always keep carefully. In case of guarantee please contact our service
hotline number. The guaranteeing is only for material defect and production errors,
not for high mortality parts or damage on breakable parts; e.g. spool pin. The
sewing machine is only for private and not for commercial or industrial use.
Guarantee expires when there is improper or inappropriate use, use of force or
engagement from non – authorized services. Your legal rights are not restricted
through this guarantee. This guarantee is applied for the first buyer and is not
SDC Vertriebs GmbH ; Mittelwegring 12
Servicehotline: + 49 (0)7271 / 9337-99
76751 Jockgrim
Use separate collection facilities to dispose electrical appliances. Contact
your local community for information.
Product Specifications:
Measures of machine: (L) 380 x (H) 320 x (W) 170 mm
Weight: 7,5 kg
75W (Motor 60W/Lamp 15W) 230V
TÜV/GS and CE certified