Getting started
Place the machine on a fl at surface.
When starting the machine for
the fi rst time
, fi ll the tank with cold
water. Start the machine with the
ON/OFF switch. Let a full tank of
water pass through the machine
once or twice to clean it, without
using paper fi lter or coff ee.
3. Insert a size 1x4 paper fi lter in the
fi lter holder
and fi ll it with ground
coff ee. For average strong coff ee
one measuring spoon (approx. 6-7
g) per cup is suffi cient. Close the
water tank lid and place the jug
(complete with lid) onto the warm-
ing plate.
2. Making coff ee:
open the lid and
fi ll the water tank with fresh cold
water up to the desired level. There
is a gauge for 2–10 big cups / 4–15
small cups in the water tank and on
the coff ee jug.
(The machine must
not be used with empty tank!)
4. Start the machine
with the ON/
OFF switch. The power indicator
light will come on and hot water
will fl ow into the fi lter. When water
has stopped fl owing, the warming
plate keeps the coff ee hot until the
machine is turned off with the ON/
OFF switch.
5. If the jug is removed
, the fi lter
valve prevents coff ee from dripping
onto the warming plate.
boiling, the jug must not be
removed for longer than 30 sec-
onds or the fi lter will overfl ow.)
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2009-10-13 16:41:42