EC calibration is performed for AD331 and AD332;
TDS calibration is referred to AD431. For AD332, since
the TDS values are automatically derived from the EC
readings, no specific calibration for TDS is needed.
Selectable points for EC calibration are 0.00, 84.0 and
1413 µS/cm, 5.00, 12.88, 80.0 and 111.8 mS/cm.
Selectable points for TDS calibration are 800 and 1382
ppm (mg/l), 6.44 and 40.0 ppt (g/l).
• Rinse the probe with selected stan-
dard or deionized water, then im-
merse it into the calibration solution.
The sleeve holes must be completely
• Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles
that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
• To enter calibration mode, press the
CAL key from the corresponding
measurement range.
Note: For AD332, pressing CAL
when TDS range is selected
has no effect.
Use the arrow keys to change the value.
If there is another part of the item to be set (e.g. month
in setting up the current date), press RANGE (or NEXT)
and the part to be changed will start blinking.
Use the arrow keys to change the value and then press
CFM to confirm.
Note: To escape without changing the previously set
value, press SHIFT and then SETUP before