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143. User’s Manual
Figure 2. GPRS antenna connection
- Open MPC-143 Configuration Tool
- Set up "
Connection Parameters
" frame
Select "ModBus TCP/IP" option under "Connection type"
Add controller IP address and TCP port in "Host or IP" and “Port” text
boxes, respectively
Click on “
” to establish connection with controller.
“Start” tab
3.1 MPC-143 Basic Information
Once user has established communication with MPC-143, basic information such as "
identificator", "Serial number", "Last restart", "Firmware version", "Software version",
etc. is
shown in the left frame
3.2 Configuration files
This feature enables user to save and load configuration files so that programming a number of
controllers with the same configuration becomes an easy process. Steps to be followed are:
1. Set up all the configuration parameters making use of MPC-143 Configuration Tool.
Then, under “Start” tab, click on
"Save configuration"
button. A dialog will be shown
requesting user to select folder destination.
3. Once the file has been stored, connect a new controller to the PC and then click on
"Open configuration"
and select the file previously stored.
4. Then, click on
"Write configuration"
button to load such configuration into the new
5. A restart will be needed so that controller can start using the loaded configuration.
6. Repeat from step 3 with all the controllers that need the same configuration.
3.3 Status indicators
Several status indicators are shown in the MPC-143 configuration tool in order to inform user
about current performance of Modbus communication:
1. Req: number of Modbus requests performed.
2. Answ: Number of Modbus answers received.
3. Tout: number of Modbus requests not answered (time outs raised).
4. Except: number of Modbus errors.
Figure 3.
“Start” tab. Status indicators