9. Troubleshooting
If you can not connect to the router from your PC, your network card may be configured
the way it is not possible to connect to the router. Take one or more of the following steps
to solve the problem:
Select the communication rate 10 MB/s in the properties of your network card.
Connect the router to the PC via Switch.
Connect the router to the PC, start the router first and then start the PC after the
router’s initialization.
I have NAT enabled. My equipment is not connecting to the network.
The device’s gateway has to be configured as the router.
The router resets itself and the Ethernet connection fails.
The router will not function without an antenna. Keep the antenna as far as possible
from the power supply.
I can’t access the Web server over NAT.
The remote HTTP access of the router has to be disabled, the default server ad-
dress has to be your web server and the gateway of the web server has to be the
IP of the router.
Ethernet connection fails or isn’t establishing.
It is possible to turn auto negotiation off and set a rate and duplex manually on the
Ethernet interface of the router.
DynDNS doesn’t function.
With private APN this is not functional.
If the same IP address is recorded in your canonic name as dynamically assigned
address, it means that the operator is using NAT or firewall.
Verify NAT using ping to the static server address.
Verify Firewall accessing remotely to the router’s Web interface.