The IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet modules are installed as a Host/Remote
pair; the fiber connection is B+B proprietary. Host or Remote configuration is
selected by an onboard DIP Switch setting. The Host/Remote pair can be
remotely managed when the HOST is installed in an iMediaChassis with an
SNMP Management Module.
Some iMcV modules offer Configuration Control. Configuration Control has been
implemented to assist the end user by retaining the latest configuration
regardless of how that configuration was implemented (via DIP Switch settings or
SNMP), when an SNMP Management Module is present in a managed chassis.
Historically, if an SNMP Management Module was installed in a chassis, SNMP
would override the DIP Switch settings of a module. Utilizing Configuration
Control, the end user has three conditions under which the configuration of an
iMcV modules may be impacted:
Changing or installing an SNMP Management Module into a chassis with an
IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet populated in a chassis.
The IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet will transfer its saved configurations
to the SNMP Management Module. If there is no SNMP Management
Module, the IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet will function based on its DIP
Switch settings. If the DIP Switches have not been changed, the stored
configuration on the unit will be used. The stored configuration can be
retrieved from the SNMP Management Module or the DIP Switches.
Replacing the same type of iMcV modules.
If the DIP Switch settings are the same as the settings on the removed
IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet, the new IE-iMcV-T1-Mux/4 + Ethernet
gets its configuration settings from the SNMP Management Module.
If the DIP Switch settings are different, then the configuration of the
module is determined by the DIP Switch settings. The settings are
forwarded to the SNMP Management Module and the values are saved.
Installing a different model of iMcV module.
If another type of module is installed into the same slot in a chassis, the
SNMP Management Module clears the memory of the previous
configuration for that slot. The installed iMcV module configures itself
and its configuration is forwarded to the SNMP Management Module,
where the values are saved.
The SNMP Write Lock switch does not impact any iMcV modules or IE-iMcV
modules with Configuration Control. Removing and installing a new SNMP
Management Module will no longer impact these modules, either. However, if