b Configuration (Velocity Mode)
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Advanced Motion Controls · 3805 Calle Tecate, Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-1935 · Fax: 805-389-1165 · www.a-m-c.com
Velocity Mode Configuration
Velocity mode controls the motor such that the motor velocity is proportional to the input
command. The gain can be expressed as (output velocity)/(input command). Common
units are (rpm)/(V) and (counts per second)/(V).
Since velocity mode in this system doesn’t use direct feedback, performance isn’t as
accurate as a true velocity mode.
Voltage Mode
This mode does not use any feedback to determine velocity. Velocity is estimated by
measuring the voltage across the motor terminals. Since motor voltage is proportional to
the speed, the velocity can be controlled.
The Switches and Potentiometers set the mode on the drive. Use the Mode Selection Table
for the correct configuration.
Mode Selection Table – Voltage Mode
Pot1 Loop Gain
11 turns
Pot2 Current Limit
8.4 turns*
Pot3 Reference Gain
Full CW
Pot4 Offset
Set for no torque
Current Limit with these settings – 3.7A continuous, 7.4A peak
* Potentiometer Instructions – CW is the clockwise direction, CCW is the counterclockwise
direction. Full CW or Full CCW means the pot has been turned to the end of its travel where
it begins to click on every turn. These potentiometers have a 14 turn range before they
start to click.
The number of potentiometer turns on the Mode Selection Table is referenced from the full
counterclockwise position. To maintain consistency in the number of turns the initial
starting point is defined as follows:
1. Turn the pot CCW until the pot begins to click on every turn.
2. Continue to slowly turn the pot CCW until the next click is heard, then stop.
3. Now turn the pot in the CW direction the number of turns indicated in the Mode
Selection Table.
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