Spatial Reference Manual
Page 84 of 158
Version 4.4
The reset button causes the system to perform a power cycle as if the unit had the
power removed and reapplied. The factory restore button causes the system to erase
all settings and restore factory defaults. It also erases the hot start data so that the
system is forced to perform a cold start.
Reference Position Offsets
The reference point offsets dialogue allows the user to adjust the point of
measurement away from its default position at the centre of the Spatial unit. The
primary reference point offset applies to data from all ANPP packets as well as all
peripheral output such as NMEA and heave point 1. The heave points 2 to 4 allow the
user to offset reference points for the heave values 2 to 4 in the Heave Packet.
Illustration 47:
Screenshot of Spatial
Manager reset dialogue
Illustration 48: Screenshot of Spatial Manager reference
position offsets dialogue