1314-900 Revision BA
250W Precision Calorimeter
Connect the power cable located at the bottom of the unit into an appropriate power source
(see specifications section).
Turn on the 1314 by pressing the power button located in the lower left front panel area of the
unit. It takes a minute or so for the unit to fully power up, so patience is needed.
When the 1314 is ready for further commands, it will display a power measurement value
and a frequency setting value. It will be necessary to find the Ethernet address assigned to
the unit under the softkey “setup”.
Once the Ethernet address is displayed, open the TEGAM Iguana Manager program located
on the computer and type in the address under the “communication port” tab in the main
The program will confirm that communication has been established by displaying the
identical information currently displayed on the front panel display of the 1314.
Figure 7: Front Panel