Upgrading Via FTP & Telnet
For those times when using the web user interface is not convienent, you can upload the
firmware file via ftp and then extract and select into it via Telnet.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP connections can be made to the Adtec device using any ftp client.
Host: <ipa of the unit>
Default Username: adtec
Default Password: none
Port: 21
You will want to drop the firmware file in the media/hd0/media folder.
Telnet (standard 23 port)
To connect to your unit using a terminal session you will need to set the IP address of the
unit. See earlier instructions on setting the IP via the front panel.
Using a terminal window, complete the following:
Type 'telnet x.x.x.x' in a terminal window, without quotes, where x.x.x.x is the IP
address of the unit.
Press <Enter>.
When prompted for a username, enter adtec.
When prompted for a password, enter none.
Once you see "User 'adtec' connected", the session is open and you may issue API
commands to the unit.
To extract and select into the new firmware version you have uploaded, issue the following
*.sysd version search
Copy the line designating the location of the new file.
Then type:
*.sysd version extract “copied path to new file”
Wait for the extraction to complete. Once complete, type the following command:
*.sysd version
Copy the line referencing the firmware version you wish to use and then issue the following