Vertical Interval Time Code
Vertical Interval Time Code (VITC) is typically used in transmissions that require time code
from the originating source to be preserved. It was originally developed for analog
television recording systems, but has new standards for transmitting in digital systems
(SMPTE-12M-1 / SMPTE-12M-2). Preserving time code is beneficial for future editing and
playback of captured material.
EN-XX-series devices with an SDI input can pass VITC ancillary data as part of the ANC PID.
The ANC PID is a separate PES located in the transport stream. Additionally, time code
within the GOP of the video will also be adjusted at encoder start up to match the incoming
ancillary VITC.
VITC data packets will contain a DID of 0x60 and an SDID of 0x60. The VBI tab contains an
SDI ancillary inspector that allows users to view ANC data present at the input. This tab
can be viewed for verification of present ancillary data at the SDI input.
To enable VITC passthrough:
Step Action
On the
in the Web GUI Control Application, configure the "VBI Source"
for <SDI>.
On the
in the Web GUI Control Application, select the <On> setting for
"VITC PID Active".