IF1000 series
© ads-tec GmbH • Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 • D-72622 Nürtingen
Internal Cut
Sets the internal CUT.
Sets the CUT and turns on the CUT
The letters INT will appear in the upper
right corner of the display, indicating
that an internal CUT was triggered. INT
will continue to flash until the internal
CUT is either switched off or
acknowledged automatically.
Perform this test to check the internal
CUT for correct functioning.
With the aid of the PING-Test, the
accessibility of an affiliated remote
station is tested. The PING-Test sends
an echo request packet to the
destination address of the remote
station to be tested and then proceeds
with test information assessment.
Enter the destination address that
needs to be tested in IP address form in
the appropriate entry field. It is
furthermore necessary to enter the
packet quantity required to be sent.
Said quantity is limited to a maximum of
10 packets.