Troubleshooting Hosted 4500 Timeclocks
Enviromental Requirements
An existing Internet connection
Port 443 Outbound must be open to the following IP addresses:
Setup & Registration -
Production use
ALL Hosted ADP Timeclocks leveraging this solution communicate independently
with our hosting centers across port 443, ADP has four (4) web servers for the purpose of
registering the Timeclocks for production use.
Timeclock does not show Primary Server IP, Primary Server Port, and Primary Server Instance
ID then the clock needs a setting changed.
To change the communication mode to Device Initiated you will need to find the List Key. To find the
List Key do the following:
Swipe “M” badge
Press soft key in the upper left corner for “Comm Settings”
On Communications Mode; press “list” in lower right corner of screen
Make a selection from the list: Server or Device Initiated – scroll list to choose selection –
Choose Device Initiated for HTC.
Press “Enter” button to make selection
Timeclock Will Not Initialize
Verify clock is powered up and cable is connected
Verifying correct settings at the clock
Verify the date on the clock is not in the future. If so, reprogram the timeclock to the
current date (Maintenance card – Date/Time settings bottom left button).
Verify hosted timeclock was configured within WorkForce Now (Setup – TA – Timeclock
Configuration – is clock listed? Pull down configuration sheet as follows: In action
column next to clock – Edit Timeclock – upper right corner – Show Setup Instructions -
can save setup shown on screen).