Enterprise Deployment Description & Assumptions
Document Version 1.0 Sep 2009
Enterprise Deployment Planning Sheets
— A collection of planning worksheets you can use to plan,
record, and communicate your deployment decisions.
Enterprise Deployment Description & Assumptions
While enterprise situations vary widely in the number of machines involved, how those machine are
connected and configured, how they are managed and accessed, and what their deployment framework
is, there are some fundamental characteristics they have in common. The information in this document set
assumes the following common characteristics:
User Groups
— A given customer has more than one group of users. Each group uses a different set of
software applications to accomplish their jobs. Someone in the company determines which users
belong to which groups, and what applications each group needs.
Software Purchases
— Someone in the company decides which products to buy to optimize product
coverage across all groups and minimize cost to the company. Adobe Creative Suite products come in
two forms: point products and suite products. This person decides which type of product to buy and
how many seats of each are needed. All products are purchased with a volume license. Volume
licenses for Adobe products are available directly from Adobe or from a reseller; serial numbers are
downloaded from the Adobe licensing web site.
— The people who identify the user groups and make the software purchasing
decisions convey this information to the system administrators who install the software.
System Administrator Responsibilities
— An administrator’s job is to take the install media for software
purchased by the company and put the correct set of applications on each user’s machine. In order to
do this, he must have the serial number for each product.
In order for the administrator to do his job, he must know what user groups have been identified,
which computers belong to each group, who is in each group, which set of applications each user
group needs, and how many copies of which products the company has purchased. Based on this, he
decides which serial number to use when installing an application for a user group.
Media Type
— CS4 products come in two forms: product media (DVDs) and product ESDs (electronic
software distribution). Product ESDs are the preferred form for use in enterprise deployments.
— In almost all cases, a network is needed to perform part or all of the deployment.
Advantages of Adobe Deployment Packages
Using deployment packages created with the Adobe CS4 deployment toolkit to install CS4 products gives
you a number of advantages:
Deployment packages enable enterprise installs
— An enterprise install is a silent, customized install.
A silent install requires no input from end users on the systems on which it is executed. This means
that all choices affecting what is installed and how it is installed are made before the install is
performed. These choices are stored in the package.
When creating a deployment package, you choose the applications and components you wish to
install from the product you are packaging. When packaging products on Windows® that include
Adobe® Photoshop®, you can also include the 64–bit version of Photoshop® and some related
components that can be installed on 64–bit machines.