Document Version 1.0 Sep 2009
Planning for Deployment
Before you use the Adobe® Creative Suite®4 enterprise deployment toolkit to make packages, you need to
do a good deal of thinking and planning. This section gives you all the information you need to to that
planning. The
Enterprise Deployment Toolkit Guide
helps you through the process of creating packages with
the toolkit. You then come back to this document to do the final step of deployment — getting the
packages you have created, and their associated product install folders, into the right places so the target
systems can invoke the package and install the product.
There are several steps to your planning process:
Identifying your user groups and their application needs.
Identifying the packages you need to create to install those applications for those users.
Deciding how you will deploy the packages. There are six basic deployment configurations from
which you can choose.
Specifying the packages themselves before you create them.
Steps 3 and 4 are somewhat interrelated; you may find yourself doing them in tandem.
The four sections in this chapter each address one of these planning steps.
Identifying User Groups & Their Needs
You will need one or more deployment packages for every unique user group in your enterprise. Your first
planning step is to identify each user group that needs a particular application or set of applications to do
their job. If you or someone else at your company has already purchased the Creative Suite®4 products,
this step has undoubtedly already been done, but it may or may not be written down in a form useful to
you at this stage in planning.
Enterprise Deployment Planning Sheet #1: User Groups & Packages for CS4 Products
for this step. You will
continue to use this planning sheet in the second planning step.
Use a pencil to fill in this planning sheet, as some iterative planning will be taking place on it, and
you may need to erase some things.
At this point, you want to fill out the first four columns:
: Identify each user group for which you have purchased (or will purchase) CS4 software.
The labels you choose to identify your user groups are for your own use only; they are not included
anywhere in the deployment package, so there are no restrictions on how you name them.
: For each user group, write down the list of CS4 applications people in that
group need to do their jobs. The primary applications are listed in the first column of the
application/suite matrix on
page 11
: Circle, underline, or otherwise highlight the platform(s) the users in the group work on.
: List here the CS4 product(s) that have been purchased (or will be purchased) that provide the
applications you have listed. This list will consist of point product and/or suite product names. Do not