Operation Theory
After a mode I stop trigger is asserted, the waveform genera-
tion stops immediately. Figure 4-14 illustrates an example.
Stop Mode II
After a mode II stop trigger is asserted, the waveform genera-
tion continues to generate a complete waveform then stops the
operation. Take Figure 4-15 as an example. Since
UC_counter is set to 4, the total generated data points must be
a multiple of 4.
Users can check WFG_in_progress (waveform generation in
progress) status by software read-back to confirm the stop of a
waveform generation.
Stop Mode III
After a mode III stop trigger is asserted, the waveform genera-
tion contin-ues until the iterative number of waveforms speci-
fied in IC_Counter is completed. Take Figure 4-16 for example.
Since IC_Counter is set to 3, the total generated waveforms
must be a multiple of 3.
Users can check WFG_in_progress (waveform generation in
progress) status by software read-back to confirm the stop of a
waveform generation.