Appendix B
e Power indicator fails to light when the unit is turned on
e power is switched off at the wall, the power cable is not connected fi rmly,
or a fuse has blown.
Check switches, power connections, and fuses.
e power cable from the external power supply is loose.
Check that the power supply cable is fi rmly connected to the power
input connector on the back of the Blood FlowMeter.
A faulty power supply unit.
If you suspect the power supply unit or the Blood FlowMeter itself
then contact your ADInstruments representative for advice. Do not
attempt to fi x these components yourself as it will void the warranty
and may compromise the safety aspects of the system.
e Power indicator is lit but the Status indicator does not light when the
probe is plugged in
A faulty or damaged probe connector.
Check that all the connection pins are straight. If one or more is bent
do not attempt to bend them back. Contact your ADInstruments
representative for help.
e Blood FlowMeter internal processor is not working.
Turn off the power, wait fi ve seconds and turn on the power again. If
the Status indicator light still does not light then the main processor
circuitry may be faulty. Contact your ADInstruments representative
for help.
e Blood FlowMeter does not produce any laser output when the power is
A faulty probe connection.
Make sure the probe is properly connected to the system by pushing
its connector fi rmly into the front panel socket. If this fails to correct
the problem, remove the probe and check the connector pins to verify
that they are straight. If any of the pins are bent do not attempt to
fi x them, instead contact your ADInstruments representative for