DTU4x0 GPRS/NB-IoT Data Loggers
User Guide. r. 2.01 | 2022-05-17
Tel.: +420 234 076 670
e-mail: [email protected]
DTU4x0 GPRS/NB-IoT Data Loggers
User Guide (revision 2.01, May 17
, 2022)
This manual is targeted for users responsible for installing, configuring and technical maintaining the
DTU410, DTU420 data logger series (hereinafter referred to as
data logger
). The guide contains
information about the intended purpose, design, technical parameters and operating principles of the
ADGT systems s.r.o. reserves the right, without any prior notice, to make changes to the user manual
related to the improvements in hardware and software, as well as to eliminating misprints and inaccuracies.
Safety Symbols Information
The following safety symbols are used in the document. Familiarize yourself with the symbols before
installing and operating the device:
Denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, which if not correctly performed or
adhered to, could result in
injury or loss of life
. Do not proceed until the warning note is fully
Denotes a hazard. It calls attention to the operation of the device, which if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could result in
damage or destruction of the product
Do not proceed until the attention note is fully understood.
Denotes some information which could help the user when operating with the device.
ADGT systems s.r.o
Planichkova, 442/3,
162 00, Prague 6, Prague, Czech Republic
The present document is the property of ADGT systems s.r.o.
Printing is authorized exclusively for private usage.