DTU4x0 GPRS/NB-IoT Data Loggers
User Guide. r. 2.01 | 2022-05-17
Tel.: +420 234 076 670
e-mail: [email protected]
Connection. An example of a possible connection of meters to the data logger is given in figure above.
One wire of the meter is connected to one of
inputs. The other wire is connected to
output. The polarity is not important when connecting wires.
Depending on the type of the meter, data logger will record 2 or 4 states at the inputs:
closed, open
- if the meters are not equipped with a NAMUR circuit.
closed, open, short circuit (SC), open circuit
- for meters with a NAMUR output.
When setting up data logger, you need to select the input type:
Pulse counter
HF pulse counter
Pulse counter
input, it is necessary to adjust threshold resistance values at the input. When
HF pulse counter
input type, it is not necessary to set up a threshold resistance value, it
will be adjusted automatically.
Connecting sensors
The following types of inputs are available for connecting sensors:
- the type of input used when connecting to DTU two-state sensors measuring
resistance (temperature sensors, leakage, magnetic impact, etc.). Threshold values of the
resistance in closed and open states for this input type are set manually.
Leakage sensor
the type of input used when connecting ADGT leakage sensor to data logger.
Connection. The sensor has a two-wire connection scheme: one wire is connected to any of
P1-P11 (“–”)
contacts, and the other to
3.6V (“+”)
contact. Connection polarity is not
important. The sensor plate is placed where the leakage is most likely to occur.
ADGT Temperature sensor
- the type of input used when connecting ADGT temperature and
magnetic sensor to DTU. The sensor is designed to measure the temperature of the pipe
surface and detect external magnetic field.
Connection. Magnetic sensors are mounted on both sides of the water meter for high
accuracy in detecting the impact, and the temperature sensor is installed on the pipe. The
sensor is connected to the data logger in a two-wire scheme: one wire is connected to any
of the
P1-P11 (“–”)
contacts, and the second - to
3.6V (“+”)