Electronic Devices Srl – IT31010 – Mareno – Treviso INFO:
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User Manual
DALI / Modbus Slave - Converter
Document code: MN67843_ENG Revision 1.100 Pagina 34 di 50
Internally to the converter, there are two different arrays of bytes. The data inside them are different:
Array in IN: data read from DALI network;
Array in OUT: data written to DALI network.
These arrays are mapped into some Modbus registers and they are accessible using the standard Modbus functions (03, 04, 06, 16).
In relation of the Modbus function used, the converter can detect if it is a reading request or a writing request and it will link by itself the
data into the correct internal array.
The Modbus map in reading is fixed (Modbus function 04 is accepted). Starting from Modbus register 0, the informations read from all the
DALI devices are available consecutively. For each DALI device, 4 Modbus registers are reserved.
The Modbus map in writing is fixed (Modbus function 06 and 16 are accepted). Starting from Modbus register 0, it is possible to manage the
DALI devices, the groups and the full DALI network. It is possible to read back the commands sent using Modbus function 03.