Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
CANopen / Ethernet
Document code: MN67503_ENG Revision 2.100 Page 24 of 33
If you know the actual IP address of the device, you have to use this procedure:
Turn on the Device with the Ethernet cable inserted;
Insert the actual IP of the Converter;
Press the “
” button, must appear “Device Found!”;
Press the “
” button;
Select which operations you want to do;
Press the “
Execute update firmware
” button to start the upload;
When all the operations are “OK” the device automatically goes at Normal Mode.
At this point the configuration/firmware on the device is correctly updated.
When you install a new version of the software, if it is the first time it is better you do the update of the Firmware in the HD67503-
A1 or HD67503-B2 device.
When you receive the device, for the first time, you also have to update the Firmware in the HD67503-A1 or HD67503-B2 device.