350-200-115-02, Issue 2
HLU-200 List 1E
September 25, 1998
HLU-200 List 1E is an asynchronous DS1 interface unit
that plugs into the Channel Bank Assembly (CBA) of a DSC
LITESPAN-2000 optical loop carrier system to provide an HDSL interface.
The HLU-200 List 1E is essentially an AT1U line unit with its T1 line
interface circuit replaced by an HDSL line interface circuit. When used in
conjunction with a HiGain Remote Unit (HRU), the system provides 1.544
Mbps transmission on two unconditioned copper pairs over the full Carrier
Service Area (CSA) range. The CSA includes loops up to 12,000 feet of
AWG 24 wire or 9,000 feet of AWG 26 wire, including bridged taps. This
CSA range can be doubled with a HiGain Doubler Unit (HDU) and tripled
with two doublers. The HiGain system uses HDSL (High-bit rate Digital
Subscriber Line) transmission technology as recommended by Bellcore
TA-TSY-001210. HiGain complies with TRY-TSY-000063 (Network
Equipment Building System (NEBS) Generic Equipment requirements) and
TR-TSY-000499 (Transport System Generic Requirements - TSGR)
common requirements. Ground faults occurring at any point along any span
on any conductor are immediately detected and the HiGain circuit shuts
down. The line unit then applies power periodically to the first span to detect
the ground fault condition. This power cycling and ground fault protection
continues as long as the fault condition exits.
The HLU-200 List 1E is compatible with the DSC LITESPAN 2000 Channel
Bank Version 7.1x and 8.1x.
illustrates the HLU-200 List 1E front panel. Table 1 defines the front
panel components.