3.0 Introduction
This section describes the L-810 Single (
Figure 1
) and Dual (
Figure 2
) SBOL steady burning obstruction light.
The Dual Assembly utilizes two single SBOL Assemblies connected with standard pipe fittings. The dual assembly joints are
tack welded to prevent misalignment of individual assembled fittings.
3.1 Incandescent Steady Burning Obstruction Light
Compliance with Standards
L-810 AC 150/5345-43 (Current Edition). ETL Certified.
Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 6.3.11 for use as low-intensity obstacle light.
Steady-burning red light fixture marking all fixed obstructions to eliminate air navigational hazards.
All parts are corrosion-resistant
Optional lamp-out relay switches power to backup lamp if the normally operating lamp fails. Available only on dual 120
VAC fixtures.
Units with lamp-out relay have an alarm terminal that can activate an alarm (user-supplied) in case of lamp failure
Mounting Hub - Three optional mounting ports are available for the dual L-810 with the lamp-out relay option:
standard bottom port (1 -inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT)
side port (1 -inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT)
side port (0.75-inch, 14 TPI, NPT)
Units without lamp-out relay option:
standard bottom port (1 -inch, 11.5 TPI, NPT)
Optional Lamps:
45 W/6.6 A
69 W/120 VAC
Lamp Life: 120 VAC lamps rated at 8,000 hours, 6.6 A lamps rated at 1,000 hours
Gasket seal between lens cap and fixture base prevents moisture penetration
Two spring latches allow fast removal of the red lens cap from the base of the fixture for replacing lamps and lenses,
providing easy maintenance
A safety cable attached to the lens cap permits hands-free, rapid lamp and lens replacement
Both single and dual units are available for use with either 120 VAC parallel or 6.6 A series lighting circuits
Operating Conditions
-67 °F to +131 °F (-55 °C to + 55 °C)
0 to 100%
Wind speeds:
Up to 150 mph (240 kph)
96A0006, Rev. N, 2018/11/01
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