4.0 Modes of Operation of an RELIANCE Remote
4.1 Frequency Scan
Initial State on a new remote from the factory.
State on delivery
On delivery, each new RELIANCE Remote that has not yet been logged on with a RELIANCE Master is in “frequency scan
mode”. For power-up mode (“On”), fail-safe mode (“On”) and Delayed Start/Stop (“Off”) it uses the factory settings, which are
given here in brackets (default values). RGL//Wig-wag remotes are pre-configured with “Blink” for power-up and fail-safe
Base state
A RELIANCE Remote that has been logged off from a circuit also reverts to frequency scan mode. However, for power-up
mode, fail-safe mode and Delayed Start/Stop it uses the most recent settings received from the RELIANCE Master (most
recent configuration). In frequency scan mode, a RELIANCE Remote, when it is installed in a series circuit and the latter is
turned on, searches on all frequency bands for a master telegram containing its serial number. If this search is successful, the
RELIANCE Remote logs on to the corresponding RELIANCE Master. When an RELIANCE Remote is logged off from a circuit, it
reverts to base state.
4.2 Operating Mode
After successfully logging on, a RELIANCE Remote automatically switches to “operating mode” (normal operation) and
receives its configuration parameters from the RELIANCE Master. All parameters are stored firmly in the AGLAS Remote. In
operating mode, all lights connected to the RELIANCE Remotes can be switched independently of each other via single or
block commands (i.e. a command switches a predefined group of lights).The switch commands can be “On”, “Off” or “Blink”.
When a RELIANCE Remote receives a switch command it returns the message “switch command executed” (block command)
or “switch command received” (single command). However, the real status of the lights is only determined at the next status
polling by the RELIANCE Master. In the RELIANCE Remote, each switching operation for the light is carried out first via an
electronic switch and then via a relay (“blink” mode is established with electronic switch only).
Each RELIANCE Remote monitors the status of the lights connected to it (maximum of two lights). The monitoring takes place
when the light is switched on by default. Whether the lamp should be monitored in the “Off” state too, is configurable. Once
a lamp failure has been detected (“Open”), the light is no longer monitored during this operation period and switch
commands for this light are ignored. It will not be checked again until the circuit has been switched off and on again or after
the reception of a reset command (software function) from the RELIANCE PC.
4.2.1 Self-test Mode
After the series circuit has been switched on, each RELIANCE Remote runs a self-test. If an error is detected through this test,
the RELIANCE Remote switches to error mode. This means that communication with a RELIANCE Master is not possible.
During normal operation, the remote also checks the switching and high voltage protection devices. If any problem should
occur with these devices (after 9 lightning strike for example), a specific error message is sent to the master.
4.3 Switch Status of the Connected Lights
One light can be connected to each single channel RELIANCE Remote, and up to two lights (“A” and “B”) can be connected to
each dual channel RELIANCE Remote. A light can assume the following types of status:
“Off” (light is switched off and not burning).
“On” (light is switched on and the electric circuit is closed).
“Open” (light is switched on but the electric circuit is not closed, i.e. the light filament is broken or the light is not
“Blink” (light flashing; no information as to whether the light is “On” or “Off” at the time of polling).
On the Graphical User Interface (GUI), the status of each light is indicated by the terms given in quotation marks.
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