3.2 Connection to the Series Transformer and the Light Fitting(s)
The 2-pin plug on cable X1 is connected to the socket for the secondary circuit of the series transformer. The light(s) is/are
connected to the 2-pin socket(s) of the cable(s) X3 (and X4 for the dual AGLAS Remote).
All plug connections must be sealed with self-bonding insulation tape or using “heat shrink” sleeves.
To improve watertightness, an optional watertight heat shrink sleeve can be installed at the junction of the plug and
receptacle: (see
Figure 10: Connection to series transformer and light fitting
1. Place the heat shrink sleeve over the light inset plug wire.
2. Connect the inset light plug to the Remote receptacle designated CHANNEL A (and CHANNEL B if used).
3. Pull the heat shrink sleeve over the plug-to-receptacle connection. Heats shrink the sleeve.
RELIANCE-C Remote Control Device
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