2.0 Incandescent Elevated Runway Edge/Threshold Light
This section describes the L-862/L-862E high intensity runway/threshold lights. The ADB Airfield Solutions L-862 white-white,
white-yellow, red-blue, or white-red light fixture is used for runway edge lighting. The L-862E light fixture with red-green, red-
red, or green-green outer globe is used for runway threshold and runway end lighting.
2.1 About this manual
The manual shows the information necessary to:
Install and maintain the ERET-CB elevated light.
2.2 How to work with the manual
1. Become familiar with the structure and content.
2. Carry out the actions completely and in the given sequence.
96A0195, Rev. N, 2019/07/19
ADB Safegate, All Rights Reserved