Humidity 8-3
Altitude 8-4
Operational Shock 8-4
Nonoperational Shock 8-4
Drive Hot-Swap Shock 8-4
Operational Vibration 8-4
Nonoperational Vibration 8-4
Acoustics 8-5
Product Orientation 8-5
Ultra320 SCSI Storage Enclosure Technical
Specifications 8-5
Disk Drives 8-5
SCSI Bus 8-5
SCSI Midplane 8-5
I/O Modules 8-6
I/O Module Configurations 8-7
Cable Lengths Supported 8-7
SATA Storage Enclosure Technical Specifications 8-7
Currently Supported Disk Drives 8-7
Serial ATA Interface 8-8
SATA I/O Modules 8-8
SATA Cables 8-8
SATA Configurations 8-8
FC Storage Enclosure Technical Specifications 8-9
Disk Drives 8-9
Daisy Chaining Adaptec FC Enclosures 8-9
Configuring the RAID Controller (FS4500 only)
Communication Parameters A-2
Navigating the Terminal Emulation Software A-2
Initial Screen A-2
Creating a Logical Drive A-3
Terminal Emulation Software Menu Options A-3
Quick Installation Option A-4
View and Edit Logical Drives Option A-5
View and Edit Logical Volumes Option A-5
View and Edit Host LUNs A-6