Viewing Storage Space Usage in Chart View
Chart View provides a visual representation of the free and used space for a system, controller, or your
entire storage space (all systems and controllers). Located on the right side of the Storage Dashboard
in the maxView main window, Chart View displays a pie chart of storage space usage.
To view storage space usage in Chart View, simply select the component in the Enterprise View (a
system, for instance); the chart view is updated immediately. To view more details about the use of
storage space on that component, move your mouse over any colored section of the pie chart; hover
text reveals the amount of space represented by that section, as shown in the figure below.
Hover text reveals
storage space usage
Notifying Users by Email About Status and Activity
You can set up maxView Storage Manager to send email messages (or notifications) to one or more
email addresses when an event occurs on a system, such as the creation of a logical drive or the failure
of a disk drive. Email notifications can help you monitor activity on your entire storage space from any
location, and are especially useful in storage spaces that include multiple systems running the maxView
Storage Manager Agent only. Email notifications can also help ensure that urgent issues receive immediate
attention from the right people.
Follow the instructions in this section to:
• Set up email notifications (see
Setting Up Email Notifications
on page 93).
• Send a test email (see
Sending a Test Message
on page 96).
• Modify or remove an email recipient (see
Modifying Recipient Information or Removing a Recipient
on page 97).
• Modify email server settings (see
Modifying Email Server Settings
on page 98).
• Create an email notification template (see
Creating an Email Notification Template
on page 98).
Setting Up Email Notifications
This section describes how to set up email notifications for one system. If you want to monitor multiple
systems by email, you must complete the tasks in this section for each one separately.
Before you begin, note this information:
• The address of your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server (host name and domain, or TCP/IP
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Document No.: CDP-00278-02-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide