activity in storage space 32
event log 32
task log 32
activity on storage space, See monitoring
adapters, See controllers
Add System wizard 105
adding maxCache SSD caching 63, 66
Series 6 controllers 63, 66
advanced settings 43, 64
Agent 16, 36, 37, 38
introduction 16, 36, 38
starting 37
Linux 37
Solaris 37
Windows 37
startup order 36
alarm 81
controllers 81
disabling 81
disabling 81
controller-level 81
systems 81
silencing 81
ARCCONF command line utility 14, 78
SETSTATE command 78
archive file 113
auto-discovery 105
automatic verification 58
background consistency check 58, 59
background verification 58
boards, See controllers
Bootable DVD mode 17, 25
broadcasting event alerts 88, 99
build method 43, 57, 111, 112
Build 43, 57
Clear 43, 57
Quick 43, 57
Skip Initialization 57, 111, 112
building storage space 15, 35, 39, 41, 52, 53, 54, 63,
66, 68
adding maxCache SSD caching 63, 66
custom configuration 39, 41, 53, 54, 68
express configuration 39
cards, See controllers
CIM server 16, 20
command line utility 14, 78
ARCCONF 14, 78
components 13, 75
defined 13
viewing properties 75
Configuration Event Detail window 89
configuring 39
See also building storage space
controller 32, 33, 91, 108
clearing configuration 108
controllers 75, 81, 82, 84, 87
disabling alarm 81
properties 75
rescanning 81, 82
updating firmware 84, 87
copyback 49, 111
custom configuration 39, 41, 53, 54, 68
dedicated hot spares 45, 46, 48, 111
creating 45, 46
deleting 48, 111
removing 48, 111
deleting logical drives 62
deleting tasks 74
direct attached storage 13
defined 13
disk drive 84, 87
updating firmware 84, 87
disk drive segments 115
disk drives 42, 49, 52, 53, 54, 57, 62, 75, 78, 79, 84,
111, 112
conceptual graphic 52
different sizes in same logical drive 52, 53
failed state 78
failure recovery 49, 57, 111, 112
multiple disk drives 57, 111, 112
multiple logical drives 111
RAID 0 logical drives 111, 112
with hot spare 49, 111
without hot spare 111
identifying 75
initializing 79
locating 75
properties 75
replacing in logical drives 78
segments in logical drives 52, 54, 62
updating firmware 84
within logical drives 42
drives 75
identifying 75
locating 75
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Document No.: CDP-00278-02-A Rev. A, Issue:
maxView Storage Manager User's Guide