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Enter the current passcode (OLD) first then enter a new
passcode if desired. A passcode set to zero will disable
the security feature and allow unlimited access.
First enter the current passcode (OLD) and then enter a
new passcode if desired. A passcode set to zero will
disable the security feature and allow unlimited access.
13.6.1 Forgotten Passcodes
Keep a record of the passcode to ensure you can access this section again.
If however you have forgotten your passcode you can still gain access by
entering a universal code.
If you have forgotten the current passcode a code of “15” will always allow
you to enter the Supervisor area.
Using the Supervisor menus go to PASSCODE section. Reset the operator or
Supervisor passcode using the “15” code as the old number when asked.
The peripherals that can be used with the balance are the following:
(for 0.001g units only)
The Density Determination Kit includes everything needed to carry out
precise and repeatable measurement. The kit allows a sample to be weighed
in air and then a liquid to determine the density of the sample. It also allows a
glass sinker of known volume to be weighed in air or in a liquid, to determine
the density of the liquid.
The anti-vibration table is a support for laboratory balances that isolate the
balance from vibration through the floor. The table has a granite surface for
the balance with a separate table top surrounding the balance.
The Adam printer is a compact thermal printer which is ideal for use with
laboratory balances. There are 3 versions, one to print data as it is received
from the balance, second one prints data and time along with weighing data if
enabled by the balance and the other one has the ability to perform statistical
analysis of the weighing results if enabled by the balance.
© Adam Equipment Company 2007