Instructions of use
Connect the unit to the mains. Connect the appropriate digital source to the unit.
A digital source can be any device with a s/pdif or aes/ebu digital output, or any PC
with a usb connector. Connect the output of the RD26 to your integrated or power
amplifier using balanced or single ended cables, or plug in a pair of headphones into
the approriate jack. When powered up, the screen should light up, and the “RF”
input is active by default. Sample rate of 44.1 shoud be on the display. In order to
get sound from the USB RF link, make sure that the RF dongle is plugged into your
computer via a usb port.
When using a computer to stream music to your dac, make sure that you select
“USB audio device” as a sound output.
On power-up, the unit restores the source that was last selected, the output
phase state, channels order and filter response. The startup volume is at 77% and
mute is disabled. The idle screen shows the input sample rate of the selected input.
The output sample rate is 96KHz if the input is less than 96KHz and 192KHz if the
input is higher than or equal with 96KHz.