Chapter 4-8 DDNS Settings
DNS stands for Domain Name Server. It provides a domain name translation
service for a device’s IP. The domain name can be easier to remember than
numeric values (IP). The DNS service requires service registration and
subscription. DynDNS (DDNS) provides a domain name service without
To use DDNS, go towww.ddnsipcam.com. If the AiP camera is on Internet with a
global IP address, use the last 6 digits of the MAC address as the host name with
default account and the default password, (pass). The AiP camera will
automatically register to www.ddnsipcam.com without further registering. For
example, if the AiP camera is on the Internet, type “27fff0.ddnsipcam.com” into a
browser with login name “27fff0” and password “pass” to log in.
Chapter 4-9 UPnP Settings
The UPnP service is a network protocol that allows Windows PC users to explore
AiP cameras within a LAN. In Windows, click on the Network of File Explorer to
The DDNS feature requires an Internet connection.